• Set up Virtual Host with WAMP

    It is possible with WAMP by setting up a virtual host. With virtual host setup you can place your file anywhere you want not necessarily inside www folder.

    Click on the WAMP Icon

    Select Virtual Host-> Virtual Host Management

    1. Provide domain name.
    2. Provide an absolute path for the folder which has your codes.
    3. You can also give a unique IP.

    Before setting this up, place your Code Folder into a new folder

    I will create a folder inside downloads/mysites/traveldiary

    Copy the path paste to virtual host setup. Now I am pointing my virtual host to the folder that contains my site.

    Click on start creating a virtual host

    To access, we have to restart DNS server under WAMP

    Go to system tray click green WAMP icon right click on it-> go to tools -> restart DNS

    This will restart the domain name server that is running inside WAMP. Now copy the domain name and paste that into a browser.

    Recheck your virtual host

    Go to wamp icon -> click -> Your virtual host

    Managing Virtual \host:

    If you want to edit or delete virtual host?

    When you see virtual host there is no way to actually delete it. The best way to delete virtual host is to go to a configuration file that sets up a virtual host.

    For configuration file go to localhost on URL -> goto add a virtual host

    At the top, you will see apache virtual host path copy that path and goto that folder

    Open file httpd-vhosts.conf

    You will see the configuration for myfirstweb.dev if you delete this part and restart your DNS you will get rid of unwanted virtual host setup

    Note: you cannot rename the virtual host from here. If you do so will break down everything. If you want to rename just remove and create again.


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